How Long Will Elk Jerky Last in the Freezer?

How Long Will Elk Jerky Last in the Freezer?

Crafted from lean meat and smoked to perfection, elk jerky is an unmatched source of protein-packed delight. As such, maybe you’ve bought a bulk batch of elk jerky. Or, perhaps you were fortunate enough to hunt and harvest your own elk, and you’ve created your own jerky with some of the meat.

Either way, you’ve got more jerky on your hands than you know what to do with. That being said, you’re probably considering freezing elk jerky. But how long will elk jerky last in the freezer? And, is this really the best way to preserve your jerky snacks?

You’ve come to the right place. When it comes to preserving the flavor and freshness of this robust snack, understanding the best storage practices is crucial. Spoilage is the enemy we all dread - it not only wastes your precious jerky but could also pose health risks.

That’s why today, we’re going to help you store your elk jerky the right way to prevent spoilage and maintain its freshness as long as possible. And, if you find that your elk jerky does end up spoiling, don’t fret - we have a vast selection of small-batch elk jerky for sale to tantalize your taste buds.

Let’s get right into the topic at hand. Does elk jerky go bad - and if so, when?

Does Elk Jerky Go Bad?

Just as with the question - does beef jerky go bad? - the unfortunate answer is yes. Like most foods, elk jerky can indeed go bad. But the good news is, with the correct storage methods, we can significantly extend the shelf life of this meaty treat. 

Before we talk about freezing your elk jerky, we need to start with the basics: the elk jerky shelf-life and how to identify the early warning signs of spoilage.

Understanding the Shelf Life of Elk Jerky

Elk jerky is dehydrated and smoked meat, and this process inherently extends its shelf life. During the making of jerky, water is removed from the meat, which is a vital step because moisture encourages bacterial growth. 

Once the jerky is thoroughly dehydrated and smoked, it becomes an unfavorable environment for bacteria, significantly increasing its shelf life.

On average, elk jerky that is stored correctly and hasn't been opened can last for 1 to 2 years at room temperature. Once opened, it's best to consume the jerky within a week or so for the freshest taste, although it can last longer. 

The specifics of how long your elk jerky will last can depend on the preparation methods, storage conditions, and the overall quality of the jerky itself. That being said, no matter how you store your elk jerky it’s important that you can recognize the signs of spoilage in elk jerky…

Recognizing Signs of Spoilage in Elk Jerky

Recognizing the signs of spoilage in elk jerky is crucial for your health and the enjoyment of the snack. They’re fairly easy to identify, just as with how to tell if beef jerky is bad. Here are a few things to keep an eye on:

  • Smell: Fresh elk jerky will have a pleasant smoked aroma. If it starts to have a foul or sour smell, it's time to toss it.
  • Texture: Elk jerky should be leathery and tough but not brittle. If it becomes excessively hard or exhibits a slimy texture, it might be spoiled.
  • Color: If your elk jerky changes color or has spots of mold, don't take a risk - it's better to dispose of it.
  • Taste: Trust your taste buds. If the jerky tastes off or different from when you first tried it, it's best to not consume it any further.

Any of these signs are indicative of spoiled elk jerky. As tough as it may be, your best bet is to toss the elk jerky - no matter how much is left. But why? What happens if you eat bad elk jerky? Here’s why this is not something you can afford to gamble on…

Potential Health Risks of Consuming Spoiled Elk Jerky

The consumption of spoiled elk jerky can lead to food poisoning, characterized by symptoms like stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These are miserable, but this actually isn’t even the worst-case scenario. 

In more severe cases, high fever, severe dehydration, bloody stool or vomit, and even hospitalization may occur. Frequent occurrences of food poisoning can also result in chronic digestive issues and other long-term health complications.

We say this not to scare you, but to make sure you’re fully aware of how important proper jerky storage is - whether it’s storing beef jerky or elk jerky for that matter. And there’s no need to stress about this because we’re here to help.

Understanding the shelf life and recognizing the signs of spoilage are the first steps in ensuring you always have fresh and safe elk jerky to enjoy. But, to truly maximize your jerky's lifespan, proper storage is key, which we will discuss next.

Can You Freeze Elk Jerky?

Whether you’ve perfected your own elk jerky recipe or you bought some in bulk, the last thing you want is to see this delicious, nutritious treat spoil prematurely and go to waste. So - can you freeze elk jerky?

As it turns out, we recently wrote a similar article - can you freeze beef jerky? And as was the case with beef, the answer is yes. You can - and perhaps even should - freeze elk jerky. But to help you make the right decision in your unique situation, let’s unpack the pros and cons of doing so.

The Pros and Cons of Freezing Elk Jerky

Freezing jerky can extend its shelf life significantly. In fact, when properly stored, frozen elk jerky can remain safe and flavorful for up to 12 months. This makes freezing an attractive option for those who have bulk quantities of jerky or who don't plan to eat their jerky within a few months.

On the downside, freezing can affect the texture of the jerky. Once frozen and defrosted, elk jerky can become slightly tougher and lose a bit of its moisture, which can alter its chewiness. While the flavor remains largely the same, the texture change might be off-putting for some.

That said, if you have a ton of jerky and no way to consume it in a timely manner, freezing is your only option. But, how should you go about it?

Best Practices for Preparing Your Elk Jerky for Freezing

If you do decide to freeze your elk jerky, here are some tips to help ensure it remains as fresh and tasty as possible:

  • Use a Vacuum Sealer: The biggest enemy of frozen food is air. Using a vacuum sealer removes air and helps to prevent freezer burn, preserving the quality of the jerky.
  • Portion the Jerky: Consider dividing your elk jerky into portion-sized bags before freezing. This way, you only need to thaw what you will consume immediately, keeping the rest at peak freshness.
  • Label Your Bags: Don't forget to write the date on your bags before you put them in the freezer. This will help you keep track of how long your jerky has been frozen and ensure you use the oldest jerky first.

Now, the million-dollar question is - just how long will elk jerky last in the freezer when stored this way? Because freezing isn’t a permanent solution, let’s take a look at the timeline of freshness for frozen elk jerky below.

How Long Will Elk Jerky Last in the Freezer?

Even when taking all the necessary precautions, the jerky will eventually become unedible. It’s just a matter of when. So, how long will elk jerky last in the freezer while maintaining its taste, texture, and safety? Let’s first talk about what the optimal freezing conditions are.

Optimal Freezer Conditions for Elk Jerky

First, let's talk about the ideal conditions to maximize the freezer shelf life of your elk jerky. A properly functioning freezer that maintains a consistent temperature of 0°F (-18°C) or below is crucial. This temperature range inhibits bacterial growth and helps keep your food safe for longer.

Also, remember to keep your elk jerky in a separate compartment or as far away as possible from foods with strong odors. The jerky can absorb these smells, which may affect its taste. 

Of course, you should also adhere to all the recommendations we talked about a few moments ago: vacuum sealing to remove the risk of oxygen, portion the jerky, and label/date your bags.


So, How Long Will Elk Jerky Last in the Freezer?

When properly stored in a consistently cold freezer and adequately packaged, elk jerky can last up to 12 months while maintaining optimum taste and texture. Over time, even properly stored jerky may start to lose its flavor and quality. For the best experience, try to consume your frozen elk jerky within this one-year window.

This is of course just an estimate, and you should always default to your best judgment when determining if jerky is still safe to eat. Use smell, appearance, taste, and texture as your compass in navigating the uncertainty of elk jerky freshness.

More Tips for Maximizing the Shelf Life of Your Elk Jerky

Beyond the freezer, there are several other methods and best practices that can help maximize the shelf life of your elk jerky. In general, these tips apply to all the different jerky types.

For long-term storage outside of the freezer, elk jerky should be kept in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. A pantry or a cellar would be ideal. High heat and direct sunlight can degrade the quality of the jerky over time, so it's crucial to find an appropriately cool and dark storage spot.

We can't overstate the importance of proper packaging in preserving the quality and extending the shelf life of elk jerky. 

If vacuum sealing isn't an option, using airtight containers or zip-top freezer bags can be effective. Always squeeze out as much air as possible before sealing. 

Packaging in small portions will also help you avoid repeatedly exposing the entire batch to air every time you want a snack.

Humidity and temperature are the two most significant factors in preserving the quality of elk jerky. High humidity can introduce moisture, leading to mold and bacterial growth, while high temperatures can cause fat to oxidize and go rancid. It's important to store your jerky in a low-humidity environment and maintain a consistently cool temperature.

Now, does jerky need to be refrigerated if you’re not going to freeze it? Not necessarily. But, you should still follow the advice we mentioned above and keep it in a cool, dry place - like in a cupboard in your pantry.

Closing Thoughts on How Long Elk Jerky Will Last in the Freezer

Proper storage and care can make a world of difference when it comes to maximizing the shelf life of your elk jerky. And now that we’ve talked about how long will elk jerky last in the freezer, it’s time we brought this guide to a close.

Remember, nothing can replace the quality that comes from expert preparation. At Mahogany Smoked Meats, we've been perfecting our jerky process for over a century, ensuring every piece of our elk jerky is packed full of flavor and preserved to perfection. 

For those who appreciate the art of fine jerky, we invite you to taste the difference that tradition, quality, and a dedication to craft can make. Whether you're a seasoned jerky connoisseur or a curious newcomer, we're confident that our selection will offer a taste experience you won't soon forget.

If you want to learn more about the delicious, nutritious world of jerky, explore our blog. You can read about the best cuts for beef jerky, beef jerky protein, the healthiest jerky, how long turkey jerky lasts, or who invented beef jerky

Otherwise, why not experience a whole new world of premium jerky at Mahogany Smoked Meats? The best jerky online is just a few clicks away. 

Whether you’re sold on elk jerky, you want to stick with the basics of premium beef jerky, or you want to try other exotic varieties like our buffalo jerky for sale, wild boar jerky for sale, or fish jerky for sale, you’ll find your new favorite in our catalog. 

Remember, proper storage techniques, optimal conditions, and top-quality jerky are the keys to a longer shelf life. Whether you're storing in a pantry, a refrigerator, or a freezer, make sure to take care to ensure your elk jerky's quality is maintained for as long as possible. It’s too good of a snack to go to waste!