Refund policy
Our Guarantee
Please let us know if you experience a problem with our products, customer service, or shipping. We'll do whatever it takes to make it right for you. We'll never ask you to return anything. Great service is what drives us. But we know stuff happens, and things go wrong. We consider it an honor when you let us help fix a problem.
No Hassles
Whatever the problem, we'll fix it immediately, no questions asked.
No Supervisors
All our staff is authorized to do whatever it takes to make it right for you. While we welcome requests to speak to a supervisor or manager, you never have to pull rank to take care of things.
No Returns Necessary
We never ask you to return anything. That means you can shop with us and try something new without worrying you'll have to ship it back if you don't like it.
The Only Taste That Matters is Yours
If you don't like how it tastes, that's good enough for us. We'll refund your hard-earned cash or send you something you'd enjoy more.
The Only Policy is: Whatever it Takes
We do what you want. If you'd like us to refund the order, consider it done. Want us to replace it? Absolutely! Want something different instead? Sounds great.. Just want to talk and give us some suggestions for improvement? Thank you, we'll listen.
Your Entire Experience Counts
Our guarantee doesn't just cover food. We ensure your satisfaction with every part of your experience with Mahogany Smoked Meats. Please contact us if you aren't delighted with every aspect of the journey. We want to hear about the problem. We'd love the opportunity to make you happy.